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How To Link To Us

  1. Choose the sample link below that you like best.
  2. Copy the code provided and place it on a page of your website with fewer than 30 total outbound links.
  3. E-mail us here with the following information:
    • A title for your website
    • A brief (1-2 sentences) description of your site
    • The URL to which you seek a link
    • The exact URL on your site where a link to appears

  4. Once we can confirm the existence of the link you've placed for us, as well as a relevance and visibility of your page/site, we will reciprocate your link. We DO NOT engage in "triangular" or "three-way" link exchanges--links will ONLY be placed going to domains containing a page with a link to

Sample Link #1

Computer Repair Memphis is a Memphis computer repair company offering low prices to repair desktop and laptop computers. We offer discount prices on new, used, and refurbished computers.

<a href="">Computer Repair Memphis</a><br> is a Memphis computer repair company offering low prices to repair desktop and laptop computers. We offer discount prices on new, used, and refurbished computers.

Sample Link #2

Memphis Computer Repair Technician
At our Memphis computer repair technician can help fix your desktop or laptop computer at reasonable prices. We also offer new, used, and refurbished computers at discount prices.

<a href="">Memphis Computer Repair Technician</a><br>At our Memphis computer repair technician can help fix your desktop or laptop computer at reasonable prices. We also offer new, used, and refurbished computers at discount prices.

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